Get Involved

The Gregory College House Fund was initiated by the Gregory Alumni Society to support events for our residents, ranging from Modern Languages and Film Culture Program activities to traditional gatherings like the International Dinner and Lucid Dinner or even one-time trips around or out of Philadelphia

Donation Options:

(1) Donate online! Either go directly to the Gregory fund page, or go to to the Penn Giving page, type Gregory in the search bar, and select "Gregory College House Unrestricted Gift Fund". You can elect to make a one-time or recurring donation.

(2) Make a check to the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, with instructions for it to go to the Gregory College House Unrestricted Gift Fund. Address: The Penn Fund, 2929 Walnut Street, Suite 300, Philadelphia PA 19104-5099.

(3) Call The Penn Fund and make a gift by phone 215-898-8445. You can also establish a recurring credit card gift if you'd like.

The Gregory College House Alumni Society aspires to help us keep in touch with those of you who have contributed so much to the place over the years (and to help you keep in touch with each other!). Members receive updates on the House throughout the year and invitations to select events, starting with the annual New Student Orientation barbecue. Members can order our annual BYOM mug and other House spirit items, and are encouraged to talk about their work at Dinner with Gregory.   Most Alumni Society functions are announced or coordinated through our facebook group.  We hope to hear from you!

Alumni of the former Van Pelt College House and Modern Languages College House are very welcome to join.