Information Technology Advisors (ITAs) provide computing support and services to students living in Gregory College House. To request computing assistance, residents can fill out a form on the College House Computing website.  After providing a brief description of the problem, residents can expect an initial response from ITAs within 24 hours. ITAs can help you with the following:

  • internet connections
  • PennConnect CDs
  • printing
  • hardware problems
  • software installation

Gregory does not have computer labs, but there are computer work stations on the first floor of Van Pelt and the basement of Class of 1925 and we were the first House to pilot a laptop loaning program for our students. ITA "help desk" staff can be found (look for signs!) on the west wing of Van Pelt first floor and near the Darkroom cafe in the C25 basement according to the following schedule:

Sunday 4PM-12AM

Monday 7PM-12AM

Tuesday 4PM-12AM

Wednesday 4PM-12AM

Thursday 4PM-7PM & 9PM-12AM



ITA Managers

(For Gregory / Du Bois)
Patricia Cabuso
Donnisa Edmonds
Natalia Parjane
Andrew Perez
Edward Rodriguez Caceres
Alaina Silverman
Anthony Stewart
Malcom Summers
Rohith Thaiparambil
Melanie Xu